5 Simple Ways To Help Reduce Anxiety

A few hours before my oldest son was to return home from his 2 year religious mission, I was starting to feel anxiety building up. I wasn’t scared but I think I had been bottling up all my emotions while preparing for his return as well as all the other busyness going on in my life and my family’s life. I had felt anxiety a few times, but thankfully it has not been a common obstacle in my life. The times I have had it though, caught me off guard and really affect me with uncontrollable shaking and chattering of teeth. I find it interesting though, that it didn’t really start until I was in my 40’s.

Back to the night of my sons return. I could sense the anxiety building up in my chest. I acknowledged my feelings, calmed myself, and decided on a calming distraction. I had a few hours before his flight arrived and to get my mind off everything, I decided to go grocery shopping. Ok, to some people that might be stressful in itself, however for me, I find it relaxing. Now you need to be alone (no kids or over analyzing spouses), and preferable at night when it’s dark outside. For some reason that make a difference for me. Maybe it brings me back to my college years of shopping by myself in the evenings. In any case, it works for me. I calmly stroll down each aisle a few times. Looking for new products, recipes ideas, studying labels and enjoying the background music on their PA system. It did the trick for me. When it was time to take my family to the airport, I was calm and collected and ready to see my amazing son return.

Interesting though was the stress on my “De-stressing” place. But that’s an important topic for another day. Below is a FaceBook LIVE I published about my experience. Feel free to check it out HERE.

1. Acknowledge Your Feelings

If you’re new to anxiety you might not recognize what’s going on at first. Here are a few symptoms you may encounter that can help discern what’s happening.

  • Feeling restless, wound-up, or on edge
  • Trouble concentrating
  • Sudden Muscle tension
  • Shaking and chattering of teeth
  • Overly fatigued
  • Restless sleep

From here you can take charge and gain your power back.

2. Take Some Deep Breaths

Getting steady oxygen to your lungs seems to really help your body refocus. You can just focus on breathing or try some breathing techniques. One that I think works well is the 4-4-4 breathing technique.

  • Breathe out all the air in your lungs in 4 counts
  • Keep your lungs empty for 4 counts
  • Inhale fully through your nose for 4 counts
  • Keep your lungs full for 4 counts
  • Then repeat until your body has calmed down and your able to refocus.

Whether you have anxiety regularly, occasionally, or have yet to experience this natural reaction to stress in our bodies, try the breathing technique. Become familiar with it so you’ll remember to do this in the heat of the moment. This is a good technique to help with the body, mind, and spirit connection.

3. Allow A Distraction

For me, it helps to take your mind off the stressor, if at all possible. Take a time out. Go do something that will refocus you for a time. I like to go to the grocery store by myself and study the food labels and look at new products. Going for a walk in nature really helps too. Maybe finding a place to put up your feet, breath deeply while listening to peaceful music.

What distractions do you allow yourself to help you cope with anxiety?

4. Do Your Best

Eventually the time will come where you’ll have to face whatever is causing your anxiety. At least with the breathing exercises and the distractions you won’t work yourself up to uncontrollable heights before the stressor occurs.

However, once it does occur… face it head on. Do your best. Don’t compare yourself with others. You put your best effort into your situation and if this arises again, you’ll be more ready to do even better.

5. Accept The Outcome

Everyone is different and that’s part of what makes us so great. We are all at different points in our knowledge and progression. If things work out – fantastic! If they don’t work exactly as you planned – learn from it and move forward from there. If it was a complete fail – maybe reevaluate if this stressor is essential for your growth and if it’s not… move on.

Unnecessary stressors do not need to have a place in our lives. Instead replace them with uplifting, and peaceful activities that will strengthen yourself physically, mentally, and spiritually.